Back homeDaisy Nicholson
1mwi feature 1

The 1 Million Women project was for Many Hopes, a charitable organization based in New York. My responsibility was to design the web application for the campaign, which required the creation of a sophisticated front-end design and an intuitive onboarding form.

Keeping the look and feel in line with the organisations branding was key. Working with their existing colour theme, typeface and logo to create a design concept that would flow on from their previous campaigns seamlessly.

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My designs included light and dark themed concepts

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One of the main hurdles I encountered was the design and implementation of an intuitive onboarding process that would seamlessly cater to all user profiles. Not only did this process need to be aesthetically pleasing, but it also demanded a high degree of simplicity to ensure an optimal user experience.

The end result was a carefully crafted design and user flow that displayed flawlessly across all screen sizes. The client loved it, and so did I.

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